Stump Cabin
Open Saturday 10am - 5pm
Generally recognized as the oldest extant structure in West Virginia, Stump Cabin is a must-see for anyone wondering what life was like in the untamed frontier of the mid-1700s. The cabin has stood during the development of our great country through the French & Indian, Revolutionary, and Civil wars, and remains today as a full-time working farm. It is a vital part of the South Fork and Hardy County history.
Around 1746, Michael Stump came from Germany with his family and built a one-story cabin along the South Fork River. A second story was added in 1859.
In October of 1746, a survey crew, which included Peter Jefferson, father of Thomas Jefferson, reached Stump Run. George Washington recorded in his diary at age 16 that he spent several days with the Stumps in 1748 while a member of Lord Fairfax’s survey team headed by James Genn.
Lord Fairfax deeded the 366 acres to the Stumps in 1749. The original deed, which is written on sheepskin, is on display at the cabin.
The property remained in the hands of the Stump Family until 1973 when John Buhl purchased it and restored the cabin. Included on the property is a museum of “old stuff,” a blacksmith shop, sawmill, antique tractors and cars, and more.
Open courtesy of John and Bev Buhl
Directions: About 13 miles South of Moorefield on South Fork Road (route 7). Watch for
the green flag and Stump Run Farm sign on the left.