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Art Show

The Hardy County Public Library will showcase an art show during the times the library is open as the Welcome Center for Heritage Weekend. Saturday 9/22 from 9am-5pm and Sunday 9/24 from 10am-3pm. Than Htay Maung
Born in Pathein in Myanmar (formerly Burma), Than Htay Maung attended the School of Fine Arts in Yangon and studied fine art from 1981-1983. He was a part of many group art exhibitions. In 2000, his solo paintings and installations were exhibited in Yangon.
In 1981, he started doing illustration work in various magazines and worked as a design editor at New Ear newspaper(2003).

In 2009, he immigrated to the United States with his family. He resided in Pittsburgh for three years through a residential program called City of Asylum Pittsburgh, which granted his former wife a place to write freely without fear of exile and censorship.
Since moving to the U.S he had the opportunity to participate in a few exhibitions-, Gestures 12 exhibition at the Mattress Factory Museum (2009), Contemporary Burmese Art: Ideas & Ideals, New York Open Center, NY. (2010), Factory Installed: My Offering, Mattress Factory Museum (2011). While in Pittsburgh he also created two, three-story house murals. In 2012, after his separation, he moved to Moorefield, WV(2014). He is currently working at the Pilgrim's Pride Corporation. He is continuously inspired by the scenic views and peaceful environment of Moorefield and WV as he continues to create, learn, and hone his artistry."
Than Htay Maung won Best in Show for the 2016 Heritage Weekend Art Show in Wardensville, WV.
2018 he had Heritage Weekend a solo show of his art at the Hardy County Public Library, WV. 2019 Heritage Weekend Art Solo Show in Warrensville, WV. He is known for his spectacular watercolor painting of scenic views and vistas of Hardy County. He also works in a variety of media and styles. Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College's September Award 2023 won the third prize.

Art Show
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